“How to write a hit song” – Faze

Faze - he calls himself the Nigerian King of R&B

Faze - he calls himself the Nigerian King of R&B

In a recent media interview, one of nigeria’s hottest r&b singer Faze revealed what i would call his secret recipe to writing a hit song. Faze whose second album, Originality boasts of a massive hit single of the same title disclosed to the press that he knew the song was going to be a hit because it was “different.”

So how does he do it? how does he tell if he’s got a winner in his hands? well here are his tips:

1. Dare to be different.

“It’s not what you’ve seen in history. people don’t write about tattoos like when tattoo girls came out. It’s not the everyday ‘I love you’, ‘Let me hold you’ songs. That’s the thing.”

2. Do not  rely on your own instincts when recording a song, engage other professional ears.

I don’t do it myself. I play it for other people to listen to and I see their reaction.

3.  Don’t stop working on the song til you get the kind of reaction you want.

When I see that people’s reaction are not positive enough, I go back to work on it.

4. Do not sample the opinion of your colleagues, but your fans

Funny enough, I don’t play my songs to my musician friends because they’ll always give me problems and some of them might want to condemn me.

I’d rather play it to those who are going to buy it- my fans. I just gather a couple of people and say ‘guys listen to this’ and watch out for their reactions.

This very simple strategy is always very difficult to follow. if you are an artiste manager or publicist, you’ll agree with me when i say that artistes hate sampling opinions bout their music because they thing they’re “hot.”  and when they do..it’s usually family and friends who are already used to their sound. hey..they won’t buy your  music..they want free copies..so please follow Faze’s lead ok?

Faze’s interview makes an interesting read.

Meanwhile, Faze already has 27 shows booked from now until the festive season is over, and they are all here in Nigeria. did i hear you say ching-ching?!!!